Thursday, November 16, 2017

Anti vs Co

 If I divide KMLA family into two distinct groups, that can only be 'groups against student council(anti-council)' and the 'group that stands for student council(co-council)'. And if I need to choose a side, I'll belong to the first group, anti-council. The biggest difference between the two groups is how they look at student council. For my view, same as my group's view, I believe the student council is useless enough to perfectly mess school up. There is nothing similar to dogma or faith which binds our group members, but only awful behavior as student council make us to tightly join with each other. We don't make certain united opinions for political movements. We don't discuss how to take over the council. The anti-council group is not a terrorist community or mobs want to rebel, instead, we try our best to avoid any interactions with student councils. We don't care what they speak, especially what they murmur during the Monday morning ceremony. What anti-council only interested is kinds of unveiled problems from student council, like head executive impeachment scandal, imposing incentives on student departments, and unfair penalty point rule. Those unlogical and both ridiculous actions unite us and make us fight against the council. In other words, we are just an alarm of student council's fault, that only reacts without voluntary movements. Every member of anti-council is fine students who seek peaceful and calm school days, without experiencing any troublesome turbulence. Anti-council doesn't believe a 'few' selected students to disrupt school's regime only based on their own will. We dislike tyranny and solo-playing of the student council.

 However, the other group, co-council, is pretty dominant all over the KMLA family. They support and encourage student council. Whenever the problem advent, they rise to advocate the council. Co-council is a downrght bulldog of the student council. Maybe they believe the student council can only 'change' our school. For their point of view, teachers and school administration are too old and refractory to change the school. For the sake of students, student council should be head of students. Whenever co-council notice the others mock or criticize the student council, they become outraged and strike back with their weapons like 'students' responsibility' or 'necessary interests'. Once, a Facebook page called 'KMLA Bamboo Forest' uploaded mild criticism to student council.  Then, every co-council members became social justice warriors who pressed 3~40 'angry icons' and replied counter criticisms to the anonymous uploader. At that moment, they weren't different with gangsters who rob supermarkets in a pack. 

 I'd never thought how co-student council group thinks anti-council. But it is possible to surmise based on their words and actions left in KMLA Bamboo forest. As I wrote above, whenever the student council attacked, vigilance committee composed with co-council literally lynch anonymous uploader. Last semester, there was a criticism to the legislative council, one part of council's triumvirate system. According to that post, the legislative council did nothing during entire semester, but enlarge conflicts between each department and teachers. Unfortunately, what mentioned in criticism is all correct. The legislative council failed to accomplish their commitment since they spent entire semester fighting each other. However, what co-council replied to the post was shocking. Starting from bad manners, lack of leadership, ill-tempered, problems in own personalities... and etc. Some replies are a just personal attack. Next Monday morning ceremony, the legislative council had brazen cheek to reproached as 'before you criticize us, you need to pay great interests to us.' Really. Despite all kinds of irony and sophisms they protest, it is possible to know how co-council thinks anti-council. They believe we are just complaining mobs who only want fine GPA, what we called 'Nae-mi'. But in fact, we aren't. They don't have proper logic. They're just political hooligans. 

 Then, what is the problem? When it came from? I believe this problem always exist unless the student council itself is eliminated. Whenever the student council born, students divided into two sides. One doesn't put an intense value on the council itself. They believe council itself is just a title. On the other hand, another side worships the council. While anti-council expects the student council is another form of volunteer, co-council deifies the council as a pioneer who resists for equality and freedom for an entire student. Anti-council believes themselves as supervisor of the council since they vote for council, while co-council believes themselves as apostles. In short, causes of difference is just 'who values what'. And for the last, can this two group face each other eye-to-eye? Well, in fact, students in KMLA study together, eat together and rest together with their nemesis. As the cause is simple, a solution is also simple enough. The end of the student council or student council try their best to accomplish what they promised.